You order easily and quickly from BENK. Your order will be delivered within 1-3 business days.
How do I place an order online?
You can easily order your desired item by selecting the item in the correct color and size. Then add the item to the shopping basket by clicking on 'add to basket'. When you have selected all desired items, click on 'shopping cart'. Here you will find an overview of your selected items. It is possible to remove items from your shopping basket by clicking on the trash can icon on the article line.
How do I know that my order has been definitively placed?
Once you have completed all the steps of the ordering process and confirmed your order, you will receive an email from us confirming your order.
Is it possible to cancel my online purchases?
Canceling your order is not possible. Once you have confirmed your order, the delivery of your order will be initiated immediately.
Shipping costs
The costs for shipping within the Netherlands are β¬3,95 per order. From β¬100,- shipping is free.
Track and trace
You can have your order delivered to your home by PostNL. Your order will be delivered within 1-3 business days.β― If you are not at home when our carrier delivers your package, your package will be delivered to your neighbors or the nearest package point. You can track your online purchase through a unique tracking number. Once your purchase has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation from us via email with the tracking number of your package. Click on the button below to return your order.
Item missing?
Is an item missing from your order? Please contact our customer service at
If an article you ordered is not to your satisfaction, you can easily return it. The costs for shipping within the Netherlands is from β¬3,95 per order. You can exchange or return your BENK purchase within 14 days of receiving your item. Register your return by clicking on the button below.
Return conditions
- The item must be unused and packaged in its original BENK packaging with the attached price tag or sticker.
- Include the packing slip and return form with your order, stating the reason for the return.
- Returns of purchases from other partners or partner webshops cannot be processed or credited.